These roots are four years old
Step 1 - Early Spring
An excellent input for the first part of Spring to help wake up the soil and bring it to life, breakdown some thatch and help fend off clover at the same time.
Adding some lime "Soil Sweet" at this time wouldn't be a bad idea either. Also, recycling your grass clippings is great for the environment... not to mention the turf... why not put those nutrients right back to work?
Step 2 - Early Summer
Emerald City can be added about 6 to 8 weeks after your Bloom Driver application. It'll help keep that soil revved up and gets the lawn standing at attention; getting it greener - building towards that golf course look we strive for. Don't forget to recycle those grass clippings back on your lawn when you mow; just like the golf courses do.
Your third application is Urban Grow 8-3-1. You'll know it's time when your lawn begins to slow down it's growth and the color starts to fade. The timing will vary since these are granular products and they breakdown with water; the more you water, the sooner you'll need this 3rd application. Additionally, mulch mowing will extend the periods between applications as well as help build sustainability.
Step 3 - Mid-Summer
Step 4 - Fall
Garden Wizard is your late Fall application and it's your most important one of the season!
The Fall application helps set the course for building long, deep, healthy roots through the winter months and helps set success for the following season.
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